Mandragora (1997)

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Avg Rating: 4.3 / 5. Voted: 71

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Directed by: Wiktor Grodecki
Starring: Miroslav Caslavka (Marek), David Svec (David)
Country: Czech Republic; Effed Up European Cinema
Language: Czech (Eng Subs); Czech-Slovakia Films
Runtime: 02:15:18
Genres: Teenagers; Gay, Prostitution, Old-Young, Porn Themes, Drugs, SelfHarm

Plot – Spoilers:
A teenager from a small town arrives at a Prague station. The place is littered with junkie male prostitutes and he stares in shock at them like most runaways who always seem to believe this could never happen to them.

He begins his descent down the spiral staircase sooner than he never expected after he blows his money in casinos and is mugged. A low-level pimp is the first to take advantage of his naive fear of cops, a fear that’s rooted in being a runaway and having amateurly looted a local store for a jacket he wears with the tags still intact.

Along the way, he makes a friend and together they briefly taste success when they switch from being the exploited to exploiters. But there’s an inevitability to it all in this gloomy tale that’s based on research by the director whose previous two works were documentaries on the same topic – teen male prostitution in Prague.

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fred fat
fred fat
August 27, 2024 9:24 pm

the title is sexist – it should be persondragora

May 23, 2024 4:23 am

This is one of the saddest and bleakest movies I’ve ever seen. It’s like the equivalent of A Little Life, a black hole of an art piece. The two young main actors gave their all in this movie. I haven’t seen performances this raw and vulnerable since Adele Exarchopoulos’s in Blue Is the Warmest Color (and Stone’s much deserved Oscar performance). I applaud them for it. Of course, I highly recommend this movie, but admit it’s not for the faint of heart.

March 29, 2024 9:44 am

This was heartbreaking. He seemed like such a good boy and it was all going well, also I didn’t understand when he came to the apartment shouting and starting cutting his wrists? Marek and David seemed to have everything when they teamed up and saved up money but regardless of having dreams of opening a restaurant or a warehouse they gave all their money to a pimp? Just goes to show David is mentally trapped in this world. When they went back to his hometown he just couldn’t knock on the door and then lost their car and got into fights.. There is so much self harm in this movie, I was surprised it took Marek this long to get into drugs because going through what he went through at 15 is insane. And he never thought of going back home? He seemed so scared and paranoid and the ending. The ending is what broke me, his dad and he were so close and he reported the porn director and stole his drugs :((( Man this is a LOT. The last scene of him in the toilet and he has broken teeth and is cutting himself cause he is hallucinating and passes out and his dad is just a breath away. Broke my heart. This really happens. All throught the movie I wondered were do these kids end up by the time they are in their 20s? I guess on drugs from all the abuse or pimping others out/still in… Read more »

Fist me, I'm jewish
Fist me, I'm jewish
March 23, 2024 8:10 am

My favourite part was when he got raped. Suck shit faggot.

December 28, 2023 10:45 am

the movie was incredibly sad. especially the end. i don’t know if i recommend watching it (because it’s just heartbreaking) but it’s very interesting. maybe just, the translations were really inaccurate and if you don’t understand any czech you should pay attention to what the characters do. overall 7/10

November 25, 2023 6:50 am

Is this worth the time?

please help me find
please help me find
November 11, 2023 9:57 am

I’m looking for a film. From what I can remember it is asian, I remember one scene where the guy goes into the room where there’s a bunk bed, the mother is sleeping at the bottom and son at the top, and the guy is asking to have s*x with the woman but she refuses. Since she refuses he carries the boy instead take him into another room where he has sex with him. I also remember the woman watching through the peak of the door crying at the man r*ping her son. Anyways thank you, if anyone is able to find it!

November 1, 2023 12:52 am

the fuck are u guys on 💀

October 26, 2023 5:30 pm

I am surpised that no comment today arguing I am surpise.

Ron Jeremy
Ron Jeremy
October 25, 2023 4:26 pm

When men suck my dick it is such a thrill. I’m just about as fucking gay as you can get and I’m totally into being the pivot man at circle jerks because I am a total jerk off faggot. And yes, ATM is on the menu. If you are a flaming gay faggot call me.

October 23, 2023 6:26 pm

I Don’t Think That It’s Merely Part of the System. Im Believe Its Personal. a Real Enemy

fred fat
fred fat
October 23, 2023 1:01 pm

When I first heard of this film, I was *slightly apprehensive* to say the least. Opinions seemed to be split, some loved it, some hated it, but I had it on good recommendations, so I bought it on the off chance.

Normally when films are dubbed ‘disturbing’ it puts me off – they rarely are, this just seems to be a catch all for not very good films. But I sat and watched this, and I am totally in love. The acting is very good, they portray the emotions you would expect from someone in that situation beautifully. I never usually cry at films, but the raw desperation in their eyes made me sob several times.

There is one reason that this film didn’t get full marks from me, and it’s a totally foolish Angil reason. There isn’t enough of David Svec. I immediately fell in love with him, and remained so throughout the film. But too much of his screen time involves him beaten and bloody, although thinking now I guess that’s just what his character’s destined for. And he does wear it very well. So yeah, maybe it should have full marks… WATCH THIS FILM> <3 <3
6 out of 7 found this helpful. Was this review hel

fred fat
fred fat
October 23, 2023 2:00 am

Although certainly low-budget, a beautifully shot movie that provides a handful of scenes you’d never seen in a domestic flick (e.g. running down the staircase, the cigarette lighters in the train station). Should be a lesson to our blockbuster directors of what can be accomplished if one thinks a bit. It’s a hard story to watch. And certainly fast-forwards time a bit (with some not too clear flashbacks and foreshadowings), but worth the effort if you enjoy a good, if a bit melodramatic, story.
12 out of 16 found this helpful. Was this revi

fred fat
fred fat
October 23, 2023 1:58 am

Warning: could be spoiler (?). This was quite possibly one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen. Although I wasn’t expecting “Pretty Woman”-like pablum, I certainly wasn’t expecting to have the scenes from, and emotions wreaked by, this film haunt me for days afterward. Everything from the scene with the teen girl prostitutes (“everyone has it”) to the statue scene, to the movie scene, to the final shots in the train station platform & bathroom, as well as the loneliness, desperation, fear, resoluteness, madness, cocksuredness, apathy, greed, predation, depravity, futility/ inescapability and helplessness… This movie reminded me of Dawn: Portrait of a teenage runaway and Alexander: the other side of Dawn, and the companion movie, Sarah T.: portrait of a teenage alcoholic (Yay, the movies I remember from childhood…), but was much more graphic and brutal. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your take on it), none of the characters seems to learn anything from his (or her) experiences, and thus none are redeemed/ redeemable in any way. There wasn’t a single completely sympathetic character in the whole film, although some of the main characters (David, Marek, the father) were fairly multi-dimensional: neither all good nor all bad. The father comes close to being a sympathetic character, but even his character is flawed; I particularly note his insensitivity to his son’s pain, and his refusal to deal with the child’s emotions regarding the absent (dead? run away?). Sure, his two bathroom scenes are touching, but one can only think… Read more »

fred fat
fred fat
October 23, 2023 1:57 am

This isn’t one of those movies you can pop in your DVD player or VCR anytime of the day and enjoy it. This isn’t a movie you rent with your girlfriend to make out too. It’s not a movie you would recommend to your friends, and it’s not a movie you get a bag of popcorn and sit down with your family and enjoy. This movie will disturb you. This movie will make your stomach feel awful, hours and possibly days after you watch it. Marek is a troubled teenager who is having trouble at home and at school and he realizes he’s much different than they are. His father finds out Marek has stopped going to school and tries to talk some sense into him. Talking turns into yelling and this pushes Marek further and further away and decides to runaway from home, which takes him into the dark underworld and streets of Prague. In Prague, Marek is drugged, raped and forced into a life of hustling for money, where AIDS is always a threat. It twists and turns down dark roads without a light and by the time the movie ends, you feel a little sick to your stomach. It’s a side of life we’re not used to seeing, we know it’s there, but either we don’t care or we realize we can’t do anything to help make matters worse. Wiktor Grodecki makes you care. He shoves it right in your face in plain view. You have no… Read more »

October 22, 2023 3:00 pm

Doomsday,Does your prick feel ok today bae? My shithole is on fire, i think those new 🌶 Doritos are the 🔥, i ate a whole pack before i sucked you off & you plugged me, but you never complained so i said nothing, i just figured there wasnt enough lube but man, scorched ass policy. Can you use your real username, its so hard for silly me to catch up in such important matters. Ta ta. Thanks Bae.

Real User Name
Real User Name
October 22, 2023 1:44 pm

You are all a bunch of fucking cowards for using fake usernames. Are you afraid? I’d beat all your fucking brains in if you had any you fucking cowards.

October 22, 2023 1:13 pm

I warned you all & you arent listening very carefully? Why you cowards, you know i can shut this down anytime i want right, i truly have that power, real power, unimaginable power, you keep it up & you’ll not be able to comprehed the power i command here, see i run this show & you will respect my authority, i break pre teens like you gay cry babies every day & im extra “hard on” the little assholes who wont grow up, im to complex for you elementary school fags & im known by many names (partially because of my record with the C.P.A & The vigilante fathers hunting me) but DOOMSDAY will do for now cos it kind of sounds hard & shit, but again listen & listen very carefully, im tired of giving warnings, keep it up & this shuts down forever next month & i will show you my true power & its intoxicating, like knowing some little neighbourhood jack off cant ever escape my basement, keep pushing me & see what happens. Ha ha. Ta ta. Ya ya. Fruity tooty La la. Got it cry babies? K. Prepare to be triggered more than you could’ve ever thought you’d be triggered, The ultimate triggerthon, Got it you little assholes?

fred fat
fred fat
October 22, 2023 12:09 pm

Wiktor Grodecki’s masterful film entitled “Mandragora” is by any standard, a stirring and gut wrenching example of poverty gone amok. The torrid film depicts the story of Marek, superbly played by Miroslav Caslavka, a troubled boy of fifteen who, bored with the juvenile pranks and idle antics in an average town, seeks the glitz and glitter of the city of Prague. Once there, he quickly realizes the needs of life in the big city come with a price, one which he cannot afford and thus succumbs to the hungry appetite of the predatory elements surrounding him. Beginning with the alluring promise of quick cash for services rendered, Marek, quickly realizes this means his ‘innocence’ which is taken after being drugged and raped. Escaping the inattentive and uncaring pimp, he descends into the depths of sexual perversions when he encounters and befriends a more ‘experienced’ partner who trades him to a dark, sadistic pair, leaving him broken and violated. The decent into the perverted practices continues when, after a brief respite, he finds himself beaten, left for dead and in the hands of a vicious pornographer. With his father searching for him, the boy having survived an appalling apprenticeship, delves into the illusionary and dead end world of drugs where father and son unfortunately miss each other by inches. All in all, a truly revealing film for anyone wishing to have a worm’s eye view in the slow death of male prostitutes. ***** 25 out of 26 found this helpful. Was… Read more »

October 22, 2023 12:21 am

Prick up your ears you little assholes and listen very, very carefully. You better get your heads out of your asses quickly or there could be a permanent shutdown in November. Was I wrong about the October shutdown? Yeah, that’s right you little assholes. It’s time to grow up or get lost you fucking jack offs.

October 21, 2023 5:36 pm

Hello everyone I am happy that comments are back

An observer
An observer
October 20, 2023 3:03 pm

Can’t you see that you are giving the troll EXACTLY what he wants? When you respond in anger to his humorous comments he wants to badger and pester you even more. If you act like a little asshole, little asshole things happen to you. Can’t you see that? Little asshole? K?

October 20, 2023 2:58 pm

Triggered cry babies didn’t get their names mention in the “Please Read Me” post and they are totally jealous. That’s just the way little jack off cry babies are that can’t spell. Ha ha you little fucking assholes. Better luck next time fools.

Now then now then ..
Now then now then ..
October 20, 2023 9:52 am

? What exactly has changed Admin. This sites seems to be working exactly as it did before.

October 20, 2023 8:26 am

Please read me. October shutdown just a coincident? Yeah, right. Listen little assholes and listen very, very carefully…

Trigger points
Trigger points
October 20, 2023 3:30 am

Cry babies never win. Winners never cry, baby. Grow up little assholes. If you think this comment pertains to you then you are even more of a fucking douche bag than I thought you were.

October 20, 2023 1:18 am

thanks effed up, really enjoyed to watch.

October 20, 2023 1:01 am

A pedos delight, My full stamp of approval, 5 pre teen hardons, did you also know it was the feature film in the esteemed Cowards & Gay Cry Babies magazine in 1997?

Ron Jeremy
Ron Jeremy
October 19, 2023 9:47 pm

Everyone in this thread SUCK MY DICK

Trigger points
Trigger points
October 19, 2023 8:27 pm

Triggered cry babies shouldn’t be allowed on adult movie websites. They are too immature. I’m sure that the gay gang are going to write several homosexual related comments now. Grow up you little fucking jack offs. Ha ha. Ta ta.

October 19, 2023 7:41 pm

About to cum in my shorts

October 19, 2023 7:03 pm

Just my kind of movie,hmmmm……….

fucking shit
fucking shit
October 19, 2023 10:15 am

anyone who watches this shit might get this meat up their asses. Ma dick hard

OJ not Simpson
OJ not Simpson
October 19, 2023 2:55 am

What is this fascination with little boy’s ass?