Devils (1971)

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Avg Rating: 4.4 / 5. Voted: 210

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Directed by: Ken Russell
Starring: Oliver Reed (Grandier), Vanessa Redgrave (Sister Jeanne), Gemma Jones (Madeleine)
Country: UK, European Cinema
Language: English (English subs)
Runtime: 01:53:38
Genres: Based on a True Story, Nunsploitation, BDSM, Violence against Men, Sexual-Violence against Women, Religion, Torture

Plot – Spoilers:
The Devils is loosely based on the historical character Grandier from 17th century France.

Grandier is a Catholic priest in a time when Protestants are hated and persecuted. Though just a priest, Grandier’s power and influence on his town Loudun is cult-like. The women, especially the nuns in the town’s convent, swoon at his very mention. And the men grudgingly admire his philandering skills while respecting his preeminent position in defending the town against the nobility’s attempts to expand their influence into the town.

It’s almost like Grandier was aptly named, for such is his sexual grandeur, the mother superior of the convent Sister Jeanne tortures herself into ecstasy while dreaming about him. Eventually, Grandier falls victim to his ways when he secretly marries a virgin wannabe-nun and the nobility and his enemies congregate to wreck him.

The Cut featured here includes the controversial Rape of Christ scene that was banned from most versions of the movie.

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