Curse of Doctor Wolffenstein (2015)

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Avg Rating: 2.8 / 5. Voted: 24

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Year: 2015
Directed by: Marc Rohnstock
Starring: Mika Metz (Dr Wolffenstein), Isabelle Aring (Emily), Robin Czerny (David), Roland Freitag (Mike), Stephanie Meisenzahl (Jenny), Julia Stenke (Tina)
Country: Germany, European Cinema
Language: German (English Subtitles)
Runtime: 02:00:16
Genres: Violence against Men, Violence against Women, Gore-Gruesome, Torture, Body Modification, Voyeur, Medical

Plot – Spoilers:
In 1930 Germany, Dr Wolffenstein is obsessed with solving mortality and develops a serum that he tests out on animals and dead bodies stolen from graves. His behavior frightens the villagers and they bury him alive one rainy night.

But Wolffenstein survives and lives well into the 2010s, continuing his research and experiments. The only problem is – he needs to keep replacing body parts as they rot away – and so his cellar is well stocked with abducted victims. Meanwhile, a group of overgrown teens are on their way to a rave and their paths cross with Dr Wolffenstein.

The Curse of Doctor Wolffenstein has some obnoxious characters with bad acting upon whom you only wish evil. But there is plenty of gore and a surplus of machetes buried into skulls from different angles to kind of make up for its 2 hour length.

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February 1, 2024 5:17 pm

i know when i watch these films i m not expecting art but fuk me this was bad,it starts as a rippoff of fulchis house by the cematery and then after the credits it has nothing to do with anything its so bad and disjointed t gives you a headache,still watched to the end though

January 24, 2024 9:09 am

“Das ist jetzt aber völlig inakzeptabel.”

Brandon Faulkyu
Brandon Faulkyu
May 5, 2023 2:03 am

Man these German movies are bad. And they aren’t even the good kind of bad. They are just unenjoyable, zero entertainment, 100% garbage. Like, watching one of these German movies is like watching a wall, both provide the same level of entertainment, both have nothing going on with them.

November 9, 2022 6:02 pm

Cunt of a movie,sort it out admin bunch of cocksuckers

June 27, 2022 8:56 am

haha, this sucks! i love it so fuckin much

Dr. Lecter
Dr. Lecter
June 25, 2021 2:10 am

Doesn’t Dr. Wolffenstein make and appearance in the beginning of House of 10,000 Corpses… Or at least the mention of him?

October 10, 2020 2:28 am

Fuck this movie is garabage.

May 7, 2020 8:04 am

It sucked. Too over-the-top

Simon Gordon
Simon Gordon
June 14, 2019 8:09 pm

Well, that was all kinds of messed up. Enjoyable though