At Dawn They Sleep (2000)
AKA: –
Directed by: Brian Paulin
Starring: Brian Paulin (Stephen), Rich George (Ian)
Country: United States
Language: English
Runtime: 01:17:05
Genres: Gore, Horror, Vampires
Plot – Spoilers:
Two friends Stephen and Ian are small-time criminals into peddling dope. When one of the middlemen cheats them during a deal, they lose it and plot revenge and murder. Meanwhile, to bust the stress they hire a couple of goth hookers. The hookers turn out to be some sort of dark angels out to wreck vengeance on mankind for stealing the Earth from them. As a result of the encounter with the Angels, Stephen and Ian turn into vampires but soon find their vampiric existence empty and purposeless once they’re done killing a few priests. At this point, Stephen is approached by a demon Lynxvosmia who offers him a better existence if he turns against the Angels.
In between all this, you have some random conversations on how Metallica turned into a bunch of faggots and the sort. The outdoor scenes in their look and atmosphere are reminiscent of old-school extreme metal music videos. There are some Swedish metal tracks featured too if that interests you. Otherwise this is an unadulterated low-budget B-exploitation flick for fans of that genre.
I had never seen a living trans Chuckie doll until this movie.
Why do they all sound retarded
Actually I liked this one. It made me fall asleep… before dawn!!
With a 6k budget in the year of our lord 2,000, this wasn’t all terrible. At times it was rather entertaining,